Science skills

  1. 5. A burner used in a lab
  2. 6. You must always use one of these to draw your graph
  3. 8. A table to assess safety before doing an experiment
  4. 11. Something that will catch fire easily
  5. 15. Close to the true value
  6. 17. The variable that you change
  7. 18. This type of graph is for continuous data
  8. 20. Something that can cause harm
  9. 21. The best school
  10. 22. You must use one of these to make your work neat and to draw graphs
  1. 1. The best teacher
  2. 2. You get one of these when you do excellent work
  3. 3. These protect your eyes in experiments
  4. 4. The variable that you measure
  5. 7. Used to measure temperature
  6. 9. Equipment
  7. 10. This protects your clothes in experiments
  8. 12. This type of graph is for discontinuous data
  9. 13. Do the experiment again
  10. 14. The variable you keep the same
  11. 16. The average of your results
  12. 19. A chemical that will burn through skin