science terms

  1. 3. change in chromosomes
  2. 8. differences in sequences of genes
  3. 12. livestock developed with desirable traits
  4. 14. laboratory-based technologies to alter the DNA
  5. 15. plants, animals, and microorganism whose genetic makeup has been modified
  1. 1. change in DNA
  2. 2. measurement tool that calculates the chance
  3. 4. becoming fitted to environment
  4. 5. quality or characteristic
  5. 6. getting more ¨complex¨ as time goes on
  6. 7. identification of humans for desirable traits
  7. 9. a mechanism of evolution
  8. 10. the scientific study of genes and heredity
  9. 11. genetics passed down
  10. 13. no fusion of gametes or change of chromosomes