science words 2018

  1. 5. a throbbing as blood is pumped through the arteries
  2. 6. arteries become smaller and smaller
  3. 7. two branches of the windpipe
  4. 9. blood is pumped out
  5. 11. blood enters your heart through these chambers
  6. 12. carries blood back to your heart
  7. 15. tiny air sacks in your lungs
  8. 16. a pale yellow liquid
  9. 17. system gets rid of carbon dioxide
  10. 18. two muscle powered pumps that work side by side
  11. 19. carriers blood away from the heart
  12. 22. in blood keep you from bleeding too much
  1. 1. blood cells fight off disease
  2. 2. lets blood in and out in one direction
  3. 3. air travels to the lungs through this
  4. 4. vessels blood travels through tubes of various sizes
  5. 6. system transports needed substance throughout your body
  6. 8. an educated guess
  7. 10. two large lightweight respiratory organs of the body
  8. 13. large band of muscle that controls the size of the chest cavity
  9. 14. un changing variable
  10. 20. factors any attribute
  11. 21. blood cells specialized to carry oxygen and carbon dioxide