
  1. 1. Used for testing with liquids
  2. 5. Can be controlled by the scientist and switched around
  3. 7. Dangerous Gases
  4. 9. Used to pick up beakers and other hot things if needed
  5. 10. Possible Explosion with different room temperatures
  6. 13. Usually 6 to 8 steps while doing a scientific lab
  7. 15. Other Toxic Materials
  8. 16. Eats away at human flesh instantly
  9. 17. Easily lit on fire
  10. 20. Causing immediate serious toxic affects and even death
  11. 21. Used to light bunsen burner
  12. 22. Hold away from face wave your arm towards you to smell
  1. 1. Will cause disease and toxic affects
  2. 2. Reacts dangerously with liquids
  3. 3. Wear at all times during dangerous labs
  4. 4. Grab and use on a controllable but big fire
  5. 6. Used for heating things on a ring stand
  6. 8. Workplace Hazardous Material Information System
  7. 11. Pull if the fire becomes uncontrollable
  8. 12. Used for filtering liquids when you put a special paper in it
  9. 13. Used if chemicals are burning entire body or entire body is on fire
  10. 14. Used if someone catches clothes on fire
  11. 18. Used if something gets in your eye and need to get it out
  12. 19. Used for mixing and scooping