
  1. 4. typical of, or peculiar to the tropics.
  2. 5. line on a map connecting points having the same atmospheric pressure at a given time or on average over a given period.
  3. 9. the change of state from a gas to a liquid.
  4. 13. pressure- the force exerted onto a surface by the weight of the air.
  5. 15. violent disturbance of the atmosphere with strong winds and usually rain, thunder, lightning, or snow.
  6. 16. instrument for measuring the speed of the wind, or of any current of gas.
  7. 19. (someone) from a place of danger to a safe place.
  8. 21. process by which molecules at the surface of a liquid absorb enough energy to change to a gas.
  9. 22. surge-a rising of the sea as a result of atmospheric pressure changes and wind associated with a storm.
  10. 23. breeze-a breeze blowing toward the land from the sea, especially during the day owing to the relative warmth of the land.
  11. 24. weather system with high atmospheric pressure at its center, around which air slowly circulates in a clockwise (northern hemisphere) or counterclockwise (southern hemisphere) direction. Anticyclones are associated with calm, fine weather.
  12. 25. (someone) from a place of danger to a safe place.
  13. 26. chemical element of atomic number 80, a heavy silvery-white metal that is liquid at ordinary temperatures.
  14. 29. stream- narrow, variable band of very strong, predominantly westerly air currents encircling the globe several miles above the earth. There are typically two or three jet streams in each of the northern and southern hemispheres.
  15. 30. close up, or obstruct (an opening, orifice, or passage).
  16. 33. storm with a violent wind, in particular a tropical cyclone in the Caribbean.
  17. 34. to the North or South Pole.
  18. 37. system of winds rotating inward to an area of low atmospheric pressure, with a counterclockwise (northern hemisphere) or clockwise (southern hemisphere) circulation; a depression.
  19. 38. occurrence of a natural electrical discharge of very short duration and high voltage between a cloud and the ground or within a cloud, accompanied by a bright flash and typically also thunder.
  20. 40. the degree of compactness of a substance.
  21. 41. winds-small scale convective winds of local origin caused by temperature differences.
  1. 1. a quantity representing the amount of water vapor in the atmosphere or a gas.
  2. 2. cycle- the continual movement of water among Earth’s atmosphere, oceans, and land surface through evaporation, condensation and precipitation.
  3. 3. instrument measuring atmospheric pressure, used especially in forecasting the weather and determining altitude.
  4. 6. humidity- the amount of water vapor present in air expressed as a percentage of the amount needed for saturation at the same temperature.
  5. 7. breeze-a breeze blowing toward the sea from the land, especially at night, owing to the relative warmth of the sea.
  6. 8. a hygrometer consisting of a wet-bulb and a dry-bulb thermometer, the difference in the two thermometer readings being used to determine atmospheric humidity.
  7. 10. perceptible natural movement of the air, especially in the form of a current of air blowing from a particular direction.
  8. 11. with the sea, especially in relation to seafaring commercial or military activity.
  9. 12. winds- winds that blow steadily from specific directions over long distances.
  10. 14. the distance in degrees north or south of the equator
  11. 17. or belonging to a continent.
  12. 18. line on a map connecting points having the same temperature at a given time or on average over a given period.
  13. 20. storm with thunder and lightning and typically also heavy rain or hail.
  14. 27. factor-a quantity expressing the effective lowering of the air temperature caused by the wind, especially as affecting the rate of heat loss from an object or human body or as perceived by an exposed person.
  15. 28. mobile, destructive vortex of violently rotating winds having the appearance of a funnel-shaped cloud and advancing beneath a large storm system.
  16. 31. side or part of an object that presents itself to view or that is normally seen or used first; the most forward part of something.
  17. 32. mass- a body of air with horizontally uniform temperature, humidity, and pressure.
  18. 35. the height of an object or point in relation to sea level or ground level.
  19. 36. barometer-a device for measuring atmospheric pressure without the use of fluids.
  20. 39. effect- the effect of Earth’s rotation on the direction of winds and currents.