
  1. 4. a substance that has a pH of 7-14
  2. 6. __________ is measured in metres.
  3. 8. element with symbol K.
  4. 9. watery liquid found between nucleus and cell membrane
  5. 11. the way in which living things get rid of waste
  6. 17. change in speed or velocity
  7. 19. distance divided by time
  8. 20. a type of force between 2 objects
  9. 21. remains of very ancient living things
  10. 23. The way in which living things get their food
  11. 25. ________ is measured in seconds.
  12. 26. state of matter that has fixed volume and takes the shape of the container it is in
  13. 28. motion of a guitar string
  14. 29. ________ is measured in metres^3
  15. 31. substance that speeds up a reaction
  16. 34. study of how plants and animals interact with each other and their surroundings
  17. 35. motion of a car/train
  18. 37. a force that acts towards the Earth
  19. 39. basic building blocks of living things
  20. 40. This cycle changes the appearance of the moon
  21. 41. amount of matter in an object
  22. 42. state of matter that has does not have a fixed shape or volume
  1. 1. element with symbol Fe.
  2. 2. moon that orbits Mars
  3. 3. if a metal can be stretched out into thin wire, it is___________
  4. 5. speed in a given direction
  5. 7. Phase 1 of a stars life cycle
  6. 10. Name given to the inner planets to the sun
  7. 12. breakdown of food
  8. 13. thread-like structures found in the nucleus of each cell
  9. 14. the element with a symbol of Cu.
  10. 15. a substance that has a pH of 0-7
  11. 16. organisms that feed on dead plants and animals
  12. 18. acts as the control centre of the cell
  13. 19. state of matter that is in a fixed shape.
  14. 22. a mixture of two or more metals
  15. 24. Giant, phase 3 of a stars life cycle
  16. 27. if a metal can be hammered into different shapes, it is________
  17. 30. an object that orbits the sun
  18. 32. name given to the outer planets
  19. 33. Element with symbol Na.
  20. 36. object that revolves around Earth
  21. 38. Moon that orbits Saturn