Sciences - CAT Baku IS23

  1. 4. British mathematician and logician, famous for his code-breaking work during World War II
  2. 5. Concept in mathematics that involves using symbols and rules to manipulate numbers and quantities
  3. 7. Concept that deals with the collection, organization, analysis, interpretation, and presentation of data
  4. 8. Field of study that deals with the properties and behavior of matter and energy
  5. 11. European Space Agency
  6. 13. The process of using scientific and mathematical principles to design and build structures, systems, or machines
  7. 15. Swiss university known for its excellence in technology and engineering education
  8. 16. French physicist known for the discovery of radioactivity
  9. 17. Area of study that involves using logic and reasoning to solve problems
  10. 19. Field that involves the study of the Earth's structure, processes, and natural resources
  1. 1. Italian polymath known for his contributions to various fields including science, art, and engineering
  2. 2. Field that deals with the study and application of living organisms and their environments
  3. 3. Field of study that focuses on the analysis and manipulation of data
  4. 6. German mathematician known for his work in number theory
  5. 9. The European Organization for Nuclear Research
  6. 10. Austrian monk and scientist known as the "Father of Genetics"
  7. 12. Field that encompasses the use of technology and engineering to create innovative solutions
  8. 14. Finnish mobile phone company known for its contribution to the development of GSM technology
  9. 18. Concept that involves using mathematics to describe patterns and relationships in nature