Scientific Experimentation

  1. 3. Explains “why” or “how” the evidence supports the claim. Can include scientific rules.
  2. 5. A process of objectively assessing something to make a judgment about it.
  3. 6. The group that is left “normal” and does not receive the experimental treatment; acts as a baseline for comparison.
  4. 8. The group that the experimental treatment (independent variable) is applied to.
  5. 11. An observable event that occurs in nature or a designed system that can be studied using the scientific method.
  6. 13. Something that remains the same between all the groups in an experiment
  7. 17. Using numbers or measurements to describe the characteristics of something
  8. 18. The variable that is measured during an experiment (what data is collected).
  9. 19. A statement that answers a scientific question.
  10. 21. Assumptions made based on your observations.
  1. 1. To make an educated guess about a future outcome
  2. 2. A diagram or drawing that represents a system and all its components
  3. 4. A specific, clear, step-by-step set of instructions to be followed during an experiment.
  4. 5. The scientific data and details that support a claim.
  5. 7. Information gathered or noticed using your senses.
  6. 9. A well-tested and widely accepted explanation for a natural phenomenon that is based on the scientific method.
  7. 10. The variable that is changed during an experiment (what you are testing).
  8. 12. A proposed explanation, with evidence, to the scientific question that was asked; written in the “if/then” format.
  9. 14. To arrange or group together into categories based on shared qualities or characteristics.
  10. 15. Words or descriptions that describe the characteristics of something.
  11. 16. A system of measurement based on the number 10, that is used in science and the majority of the world.
  12. 20. A statement that describes or predicts a natural phenomenon, based on repeated observation and experimentation