Scientific method

  1. 2. Type of variable that changes in response to what you changed in an experiment.
  2. 4. It's used in an experiment as a way to ensure that the experiment actually works.
  3. 7. Series of processes followed by scientific investigators to produce knowledge.
  4. 9. Calculations, graphs, or tables are made to summarize and condense the information.
  5. 10. Conditions that the scientist holds unchanged during an experiment.
  1. 1. For example, a scientist thinks that "If one gets less than 6 hours of sleep, then one will do worse on tests than if one obtains more rest.
  2. 3. Test the hypothesis and collect data.
  3. 5. Looking for patterns, trends, questions, and problems that we don’t understand.
  4. 6. Analyzing the results to obtain deductions around the hypothesis.
  5. 8. The next step once a researcher has made observations and conducted background research.