Scientific Method

  1. 3. Information that is gathered about your experiment prior to starting it
  2. 5. The process of the scientific method in which you are testing your hypothesis
  3. 9. Your findings after you have completed your experiment
  4. 10. A picture/figure that displays your results in an "easy to view" format
  5. 11. The variable that is changing
  6. 13. A list of things you may need for your experiment
  1. 1. The steps of your experiment
  2. 2. These help you cite your sources (gives credit to the websites that you got your information from)
  3. 4. A prediction of what you think will happen in your experiment
  4. 6. A paragraph written that usually sums up your experiment and discusses your results
  5. 7. The problem or testable ________
  6. 8. The variable that is being measured
  7. 12. A figure that contains all of your results