Scientific Method

  1. 3. Data that is recorded in descriptions, stories, and experiences
  2. 7. the variable that changes due to the independent variable
  3. 11. the variable you manipulate/change, the factor you're testing in the experiment
  1. 1. Organize and analyze data collected from the experiment
  2. 2. A list of all supplies necessary to complete the experiment
  3. 4. all the variables that you want to keep constant/unchanged
  4. 5. Identifying a problem/making an observation, first step in the Scientific Method
  5. 6. An informed prediction about the outcome of the experiment
  6. 8. Determine whether or not the data from the experiment supports your hypothesis or not
  7. 9. Step-by-step instructions on how to perform the experiment
  8. 10. Data that is recorded in numbers and measurements