Scientific Method

  1. 1. a well supported explanation about the natural world, explains observations that scientists have made
  2. 3. a testable idea or explanation that leads to scientific investigation
  3. 5. an organized procedure to study something under controlled conditions
  4. 9. a variable that is deliberately changed in order to test the effect of change on another variable
  5. 10. a variable that is not allowed to change in the investigation
  1. 2. the process of obtaining information by using the five senses
  2. 4. a statement that describes what scientists expect to happen every time under a particular set of conditions
  3. 6. a representation of something in the natural world, an object or an event
  4. 7. a variable that is measured to gather results
  5. 8. measurements and information gathered during an investigation that can be used in calculating or reasoning