Scientific Method

  1. 9. The process of interpreting the data collected during an experiment to determine what it means.
  2. 11. resultsts of the experiment and a statement of how the results relate to the hypothesis.
  3. 12. Any factor, trait, or condition that can exist in differing amounts or types.
  4. 13. Information and measurements gathered from observations, experiments, or research.
  5. 15. A logical interpretation based on prior knowledge and experience.
  6. 17. Group The group in an experiment that receives the variable being tested.
  7. 21. Data Descriptive data that is observed and recorded using the senses (e.g., color, texture).
  8. 22. The process of repeating an experiment to verify results and ensure reliability.
  1. 1. Variable (Control) Variables that are kept constant to ensure that the effect on the dependent variable is due only to the independent variable.
  2. 2. A proposed explanation or educated guess for a phenomenon, based on limited evidence, that can be tested.
  3. 3. A statement about what might happen in the future based on past experience or evidence.
  4. 4. A tendency to favor a particular outcome or result, which can affect the objectivity of an experiment.
  5. 5. The act of noticing and describing events or processes in a careful, orderly way.
  6. 6. Variable The variable that is observed and measured for change; it is affected by the independent variable.
  7. 7. A well-substantiated explanation of some aspect of the natural world, based on a body of evidence and multiple tested hypotheses.
  8. 8. Variable The variable that is deliberately changed or manipulated in an experiment to test its effect.
  9. 10. A problem or query that can be tested or answered through experimentation or investigation.
  10. 14. Method A systematic, step-by-step procedure used by scientists to conduct experiments and research, involving observation, hypothesis formulation, experimentation, and analysis to draw conclusions.
  11. 16. A statement based on repeated experimental observations that describe some aspects of the world, usually mathematically.
  12. 18. A set of controlled observations and measurements to test a hypothesis.
  13. 19. Data Numerical data that can be measured and written down with numbers (e.g., temperature, length).
  14. 20. Review The process by which scientists evaluate the validity and quality of each other's research before it is published or accepted.
  15. 23. Group A group in an experiment that is not exposed to the independent variable and is used as a benchmark to measure how the other tested subjects do.