Scientific Method

  1. 5. an example of this variable type could be "test scores"
  2. 7. this variable type is what you change on purpose
  3. 9. a logical way of thinking about the world
  4. 10. the way in which scientists gather and use information
  5. 11. this variable type is what you measure in an experiment
  6. 12. the number of variables that should be changed in an experiement
  7. 13. this type of reasoning compares new things to the rules of the natural world
  8. 14. an example of this vairable type could be "the students all take the same test"
  1. 1. a testable explanation for a question or problem
  2. 2. things in an experiment that stay the same
  3. 3. an example is "students who eat breakfast perform better on tests"
  4. 4. this type of reasoning looks for patterns and rules in the natural world
  5. 6. an example of this variable type could be "whether students eat breakfast or not"
  6. 8. logical guesses or predictions