Scientific Method

  1. 3. The details we noticed during observation will spark our curiosity. The most interesting ones will make us ask questions that we want answered.
  2. 4. It is the tentative explanation to our initial question based on what we know so far. As scientists or science learners, our initial research and keen observation equip us to form informed hypotheses.
  3. 7. It is a process of investigation to find or produce measurable and reliable results that answer a specific question.
  1. 1. This is when we compare our expected results with our actual results. We gather measurable results that can prove if our hypothesis is true or false.
  2. 2. These are the things or information we note by using our five senses. It is the way we notice important details in our surroundings.
  3. 5. This is the stage where we get to test our hypothesis. It can be a test or a series of tests done in a controlled environment to validate our observations and answer our questions.
  4. 6. It is important to look up what is already known. Research opens us up to answered and unanswered questions about our topic. It also prepares us for the next step in this process.
  5. 8. We draw conclusions from our analysis. Our conclusion summarizes the information we gathered during the scientific process and shares if our hypothesis is correct or can be supported.