Scientific Method

  1. 6. This describes why you got the results from your experiment
  2. 7. Starts with "To investigate". It tells people what your experiment is about
  3. 8. This is where you describe what you found out from the experiment
  4. 9. how well an experiment measured what it set out to
  5. 12. This is where you talk about the validity and reliability of the experiment. What went well and what you would change for next time
  6. 13. Presents the data collected from the experiment
  1. 1. an educated guess about what is going to happen in the experiment
  2. 2. The variable that you measure in the experiment
  3. 3. The correctness of a measurement. e.g. making sure to measure water by going to eye-level
  4. 4. The variable that you change during an experiment
  5. 5. All the variables that you keep the same
  6. 10. This is observed when the experiment produces the same results every time
  7. 11. step-by-step instructions that explain how the investigation was carried out