Scientific Method

  1. 2. how close a group of measurements are to a true value
  2. 4. a collection of beliefs or practices mistakenly regarded as scientific method
  3. 9. descriptions of observations; looks
  4. 11. factors that stay the same in an experiment - examples: sunlight, water
  5. 12. educated guess/prediction written in an if...then statement
  6. 13. the variable that responds to changes; example: how tall a plant grew
  1. 1. how close a group of measurements are to each other
  2. 3. the portion of the experiment that is set aside and used for comparison; example: a plant in which no fertilizer was added
  3. 5. variable that you manipulate; example: amount of fertilizer
  4. 6. an explanation of how or why things work
  5. 7. numerical measurements; numbers
  6. 8. repeated observations that produce the same result each time
  7. 10. a 6 step approach in a scientific study