Scientific Method

  1. 2. Another name for the constant variable.
  2. 3. Facts, figures, and other evidence gathered through observations.
  3. 5. A conclusion reached on the basis of evidence and reasoning.
  4. 6. The part of the experiment that is changed; the variable whose effect is being studied.
  5. 7. The part of the experiment that is not being changed. Used to form a comparison with other parts of the experiment.
  6. 8. Always in the form of a question; the question we are trying to answer by doing the experiment.
  7. 9. An answer to the problem based on data from the experiment.
  1. 1. An educated guess/prediction of what will happen in an experiment.
  2. 3. The part of the experiment that is being measured, the outcome, or the response in which the research is interested.
  3. 4. Information obtained through the senses.
  4. 8. A method or way of doing something.