Scientific Method ACH

  1. 2. a possible explanation that can be tested by comparison with scientific evidence
  2. 4. a theory that has been tested many times without contradictions
  3. 5. the variable you change in an experiment
  4. 7. the "recipe" of an experiment
  5. 9. a factor that affects how an experiment works
  6. 10. describes evidence that can be seen independently by others if they repeat the same experiment or observation in the same way
  7. 12. describes evidence that documents only what actually happened as exactly as possible.
  1. 1. a variable that is kept constant during the experiment
  2. 3. the variable that you are measuring in an experiment
  3. 6. each time an experiment is tried
  4. 8. a situation specifically set up to investigate relationships between variables
  5. 11. a scientific explanation supported by a lot of evidence collected over a long period of time