Scientific Method and History of Microbiloogy

  1. 5. Made the original discovery of spontaneous generation.
  2. 6. Jenner created the first vaccine
  3. 7. Infectious gastroenteritis caused by the gran bacterium vibrio cholerae.
  4. 9. pasteur history's greatest microbiologist.
  5. 10. A tool for answering questions
  6. 12. redi The first person to formally challenge spontaneous generation.
  7. 13. domagk Discovered sulfa drugs.
  8. 15. Not influenced by feelings, interests, or prejudices.
  9. 17. needham Worked his whole life to prove that spontaneous generation was real.
  10. 18. Outside the domain of science
  11. 19. semmelweis Discovered handwashing
  1. 1. Influenced by feelings, interests, and prejudices.
  2. 2. What Anton Van Leeuwenhoek called microorganisms.
  3. 3. When non-science claims to be science.
  4. 4. lister Father of modern antisepsis.
  5. 8. fleming Discovered penicillin
  6. 11. nightingale founded the first school for nurses.
  7. 14. The first vaccine was for
  8. 15. The key to good science
  9. 16. tyndall Discovered endospores.