Scientific Method Quiz

  1. 2. The scientific method is a _____ for experimentation.
  2. 9. To complete your project you will _____ your results to others in a final report.
  3. 10. One W-Question.
  4. 11. You should also repeat your experiments several times to make sure that the first results weren't just an _____.
  5. 13. The scientific method is used in _____ sciences.
  6. 15. An attempt to answer your question with an explanation that can be tested.
  7. 17. _____ scientists communicate their results by publishing their final report in a scientific journal.
  8. 18. You conduct a good _____ by making sure that you change only one factor at a time while keeping all other conditions the same.
  1. 1. Predictions must be _____ to measure.
  2. 3. Your _____ tests whether your prediction is accurate.
  3. 4. You want to be an intelligent scientist using internet _____.
  4. 5. Scientists use this method to find answers that are _____ and supported by evidence.
  5. 6. In a Science Fair, _____ are interested in your findings regardlesss of whether or not they support your hypothesis.
  6. 7. Carefully check all steps and set-up in a _____ procedure.
  7. 8. The scientific method starts when you ask a _____.
  8. 12. The goal is to discover _____ and effect relationships by asking questions.
  9. 14. One W-Question.
  10. 16. _____ must be easy to measure.