Scientific Method Review

  1. 2. / In a line graph, the x-axis shows numbers for what is being _________________
  2. 5. / This graph can show change over time.
  3. 11. / This is where you read and get information on the problem.
  4. 12. / Design a _____________ is the 4th step in the Scientific Method.
  5. 14. / Controlled variable allow for a _______ test.
  6. 17. / This variable is what is changed by the scientist in an experiment
  7. 18. / The Scientific Method is a ___________ used to find answers to questions about the world around us.
  8. 19. / In the Conclusion, you ___________ your data and summarize findings.
  9. 20. / A Hypothesis is an ______________ guess.
  10. 22. / This graph can be used to compare.
  11. 23. / Data can be organized in a ___________ or graph.
  12. 24. / This group is used as a comparison to see if change occurred.
  13. 25. / Observation is the process of getting information using our __________
  1. 1. / This type of data uses your senses to observe results.
  2. 3. / This variable is what is affected by the change in the independent variable.
  3. 4. / This type of data uses instruments to measure.
  4. 6. / This is what you follow to conduct your experiment.
  5. 7. / This step is the where you prove or disprove the hypothesis.
  6. 8. / This is a statement based on the interpretation of a fact observed.
  7. 9. / You state the hypothesis as a possible answer to a _____________
  8. 10. / The first step of the Scientific Method is Identify a _____________
  9. 13. / This can help with the answering the first step of the Scientific Method
  10. 15. / The controlled variable that is not changed.
  11. 16. / Develop a ____________ is the 3rd step in the Scientific Method
  12. 21. / This is information gathered during an experiment.
  13. 26. / You have to be ________ about how you will measure your results.