Scientific Method Terms

  1. 3. The group that does not receive the independent variable, but is still observed is called the __________ group.
  2. 4. The things you keep the same during your experiment.
  3. 7. This term is the list of steps or instructions used to do an experiment (starts with P).
  4. 11. Somebody who conducts an experiment is a __________ (stereotypically wears a lab coat and goggles).
  5. 12. Telling people about what you learned from doing your experiment (ex. tri-fold board)
  6. 14. The analysis of your results. Where you discuss what happened during your experiment.
  7. 15. The name for fake medicine that researchers might give people to test the effectiveness of the real medicine.
  1. 1. When you do a scientific experiment, you are trying to answer a __________ .
  2. 2. The one thing you changed during your experiment is the __________ variable. (also called the manipulated variable)
  3. 5. The results you are looking for and recording is called the ___________ variable (also called the responding variable)
  4. 6. Using the internet or knowledgeable people to find background about your question or problem before you do an experiment.
  5. 8. The data and observations you record while doing your experiment.
  6. 9. You do a scientific experiment because you are trying to solve a __________ .
  7. 10. Term for numbers/results recorded when doing an experiment.
  8. 13. The things you need to do an experiment.