Scientific Method Vocabulary

  1. 2. what changes as the result of the experiment
  2. 3. an inactive substance used in controlled experiment to test the effects of an active substance
  3. 6. to see, or watch closely
  4. 8. to incorporate a parallel experiment as a standard of comparison in a scientific study
  5. 9. an idea or theory that is based on some evidence but has not yet been proven
  6. 10. to give evidence
  7. 11. of or relating to a scientific experiment in which neither the experimental nor the subject know which group is the test Experimentriment a test or procedure done for the purpose of learning or proving something
  1. 1. the variable you control in the experiment
  2. 4. a judgement that you form after considering all the evidence
  3. 5. to study carefully or in detail
  4. 7. a way of doing something