Scientific Method Vocabulary

  1. 3. using sight, hearing, touch, taste or smell to gather information (skill)
  2. 8. comfortable with accepting new ideas (attitude)
  3. 10. _____ observations :deal with a number or amount
  4. 11. explaining something based on observations or evidence (skill)
  5. 12. all of the information gathered during an experiment
  6. 13. grouping things together because they are similar (skill)
  7. 15. S.M. Step ___ : Form a hypothesis
  8. 16. making _____ : creating representations to help people understand complex things (skill)
  9. 18. guessing what will happen based on experience or evidence (skill)
  10. 21. having an attitude of doubt (attitude)
  11. 23. S.M. Step ___ : State the problem
  12. 24. _____ observtions :deal with descriptions without numbers or amounts
  13. 25. S.M. Step ___ : Research
  1. 1. ______ variable : a variable you don't control; the measured result
  2. 2. S.M. Step ___ : Analyze data
  3. 4. _____ variable : a variable you control; the cause of change
  4. 5. an experiment where only ONE variable is tested at a time
  5. 6. S.M. Step ___ : Perform the experiment
  6. 7. kept the same/not changed for comparison purposes
  7. 9. S.M. Step ___ : State the conclusion
  8. 14. S.M. Step ___ : Write the procedures
  9. 17. coming up with new ways to solve problems (attitude)
  10. 19. an eagerness to learn more (attitude)
  11. 20. S.M. Step ___ : Observe and record data
  12. 22. reporting results truthfully (attitude)