Scientific Method/History of Microbiology

  1. 3. history's greatest microbiologist
  2. 4. father of modern antisepsis
  3. 6. technique developed my christian gram
  4. 7. noticed higher death rates in maternity wards staffed by med student than in those staffed by midwives
  5. 9. quality control measure to eliminate bias
  6. 11. involves values, beliefs, art creativity, and intuition
  7. 15. introduces spontaneous generation debate
  8. 16. key to good science
  9. 18. microbes come from the air
  10. 19. experimented with medium to grow bacteria on
  11. 20. spontaneous generation
  12. 21. created the first smallpox vaccine
  1. 1. anthrax
  2. 2. first to formally challenge spontaneous generation
  3. 5. causes puerperal fever, strep throat, streptococcal pneumonia, scarlet fever, and necrotizing fasciitis
  4. 8. a tool for answering questions
  5. 10. causes cholera
  6. 12. discovered "animalcules"
  7. 13. discovered sulfa drugs
  8. 14. non-science that claims to be science
  9. 17. discovered penicillin
  10. 18. played key role in setting standards for good public hygiene and preventing spread of infectious disease