  1. 4. the Earth has a _____________ of 23.5 degrees
  2. 5. if gravity wins out, on object in water will _______
  3. 7. the force that pulls us downward the Earth
  4. 8. Earth is a ____________.
  5. 11. without the moon, we couldn't predict the _______
  6. 13. you must have your _____________ everyday.
  7. 16. an event or object that scientists study
  1. 1. out of seat, walking around = #1 cause of _______
  2. 2. the heaviness of an person or thing
  3. 3. This is the force that pushes upward in a liquid
  4. 6. achieved if weight or force is equal
  5. 9. the moon is responsible for these, here on Earth
  6. 10. In the science lab,Mr.G worries about your _______
  7. 12. This friend of the Earth is 237,000 miles away
  8. 14. used to sweep the floor
  9. 15. we follow time with this, due to the moons orbit