Scientific Revolution

  1. 3. An era that proceeded the Scientific Revolution
  2. 4. Isaac ______,determined the laws of gravity and motion
  3. 7. ________ Kepler
  4. 10. Johannes _______, alive from 1632-1675
  5. 11. A popular subject in school
  6. 13. Laws of _______, discovered by Isaac Newton
  7. 15. A scientific guess based on evidence and experiments,comes towards the end of the Scientific Method
  8. 17. A version of math discovered by Isaac Newton
  9. 18. Reasoning conducted or assessed according to strict principles of validity
  10. 20. The original reasoning behind everything
  11. 22. The era that preceded the Scientific Revolution
  12. 23. A professional in the study of science
  13. 24. ________ Copernicus
  14. 27. ________ Church
  15. 28. _______ Galilei
  16. 31. The action of actively noticing something with your eyes
  17. 32. New _____ arose during the Scientific Revolution
  1. 1. a modern day sickness, an invented long word said to mean a lung disease caused by inhaling very fine ash and sand dust
  2. 2. The planet we are all on right now (I hope)
  3. 5. Developed by an Italian scientist, is used to this day to observe stars
  4. 6. Belief or opinion contrary to orthodox religious doctrine
  5. 8. Scientific ______
  6. 9. Many people that opposed the Catholic Church were accused of being this
  7. 12. __________ Measurement
  8. 14. The usually violent attempt by many people to end the rule of one government and start a new one
  9. 16. ____________ Theory
  10. 19. A way of justifying an action
  11. 21. _______ Harvey, discovered how blood circulates in the body
  12. 25. Laws of Planetary ______
  13. 26. Anton van ___________, improves the microscope, discovers bacteria and red blood cells
  14. 29. There was a theory created by Galileo Galilei that the earth revolved around the ___
  15. 30. _______ Bacon