Scramble for Africa

  1. 4. The belief that white European men are superior to others
  2. 6. One of the three motivations for imperialism involving taking of resources and creating new markets.
  3. 10. Individuals from the mother country that came to Africa to convert and educate the natives to Christianity.
  4. 11. Type of rule that kept the native government in place but was overseen mainly by the mother country.
  5. 12. Mother country that brutalized natives to collect rubber with the punishment of cutting off their hand if not completed.
  6. 13. One of the three motivations for imperialism that created military and naval bases in other countries.
  7. 14. One of the three motivations for imperialism that involves the dumping of convicts and excess population into other countries.
  8. 16. The belief that because white men are superior, that it is their "duty" to civilize other countries.
  1. 1. Type of rule that did not have the mother countries control but did involve a trade and economic presence.
  2. 2. Meeting of some European countries about dividing the land in Africa.
  3. 3. The taking of another countries land by force or through diplomacy.
  4. 5. The last name of a poet that wrote to the US to encourage them to further imperialism.
  5. 7. Type of Nationalism: the want for independence for ones country and to uprise against oppression.
  6. 8. Type of rule in which the mother country sends their own officials and removes the native government
  7. 9. Type of rule where the mother country gives advice to the native rulers
  8. 15. Type of Nationalism: the feeling that ones country is superior than all other countries