SC/US History Final Exam Review

  1. 3. (3)an agreement in which the house would be based on population and the senate would be equal representation
  2. 6. (4)Maine was added as a free state and Missouri was added as a slave state
  3. 9. (1)established a majority rules form of government
  4. 10. (1)route taken by slave ships from Africa to the New World
  5. 11. (6)movement that sought to end corruption in government and to make life better for people
  6. 14. (1)colonial region that included Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Rhode Island
  7. 17. (4)South Carolina threatened to secede from the Union because of tariffs
  8. 18. (3)first 10 amendments to the Constitution
  9. 20. (4)violence broke out between abolitionists and slave owners in Kansas
  10. 21. (5)time period after the Civil War in which the South needed to be rebuilt socially and politically
  11. 22. (1)country that settled Central and South America and set up encomiendas
  1. 1. (6)supreme court case that legalized segregation
  2. 2. (4)violent white abolitionist who led the Raid at Harpers Ferry
  3. 4. (5)group of people who wanted to punish the South for seceding
  4. 5. (1)name given to the middle colonies because wheat and rye were grown there
  5. 7. (6)journalists who sought to expose corruption
  6. 8. (1)slave rebellion that took place in colonial South Carolina
  7. 12. (1)colonies provided raw materials and the mother country produced manufacture goods
  8. 13. (2)last major battle of the Revolution
  9. 15. (3)branch responsible for making the laws
  10. 16. (4)Union strategy to win the Civil War
  11. 19. (2)law that forced colonists to purchase cheap tea from the British East India Company