
  1. 2. originated quantum theory
  2. 4. developed the classification system of living things
  3. 5. proposed a heliocentric theory
  4. 9. Darwin wrote Origin of Species
  5. 13. BC Greek know for his medical ethics.
  6. 14. inventor of the light bulb & phonograph
  7. 15. inventor of the telephone
  8. 18. formalized the study of genetics
  9. 19. invented scuba gear
  10. 21. proved Copernicus' theory.
  11. 22. Isolated penicillin
  1. 1. calculated Pi
  2. 3. created the first telescope
  3. 6. invented dynamite
  4. 7. He invented calculus Volta invented a battery
  5. 8. A nurse, fixed unsanitary conditions; sparked change
  6. 10. first man to walk on the moon.
  7. 11. Developed the first vaccine for smallpox
  8. 12. who constructed proofs of a geocentric theory of the solar system
  9. 16. theory of general relativity
  10. 17. Developed a vaccine for polio.
  11. 19. discovered two new radioactive elements
  12. 20. devised code for the telegraph