SE Asia Physical Features and Countries

  1. 2. This country also struggles with extreme air pollution. Located South of Mongolia and North of Vietnam.
  2. 3. A body of water which is a crucial shipping area. Located South of China and North of Malaysia.
  3. 7. Taking up a portion of SE Asia but the majority being Northern China. East of Mongolia and and North of China
  4. 11. Known for having extreme air pollution. This country is located East of Pakistan and Southwest of China.
  5. 13. An island with a warmer climate located East of North and South Korea.
  6. 14. The longest river in China. Located in central China pouring into the East China Sea.
  7. 15. Located West of the Gobi desert and North of the Himalayas.
  8. 16. Located between Northeastern China and the Korean Peninsula. The water is turned yellow by sandstorms from the Gobi Desert.
  9. 18. This country is heavily tied to Buddhism. Located East of Thailand and Northeast of Cambodia.
  10. 20. This country is known for having the worst human rights in history. Located North of South Korea and South of China.
  1. 1. Home to Mt. Everest and other high altitude mountains. North of Bangladesh.
  2. 4. A body of water which is bordered to the West by India and East of Myanmar.
  3. 5. Serves as the border between Western Japan and the Korean Peninsula. Located West of Japan and East of the Korean Peninsula.
  4. 6. Body of water located East of China and just South of the Yellow Sea
  5. 8. One of the largest rivers in the world. Flows through Pakistan and pours into the Indian Ocean.
  6. 9. Serves as part of the border of Laos and Myanmar. Flows through Thailand and Cambodia pouring into the South China Sea.
  7. 10. Located in East China and North of the Yangtze River pouring into the Yellow Sea.
  8. 12. Internationally one of the most polluted river systems, flows through North India and Bangladesh then pouring into the Bay of Bengal.
  9. 17. This country and the country it borders have been having disputes for decades. Located South of North Korea and Southwest of Japan.
  10. 19. This country has very diverse ethnic groups. Located North of Australia.