
  1. 3. the act of limiting what people can hear, see, or say in the media
  2. 6. age when people can vote in North Korea
  3. 8. A form of government in which the government authority is imposed onto many aspects of citizens lives
  4. 11. The rate of all the people ages +15 in a country who can read and write.
  5. 15. The only political party of China
  6. 16. Japan was once this led by all powerful Japanese emperor
  7. 17. When one man/woman has absolute power over a country and can do whatever he/she likes.
  8. 18. Name for Japan’s parliament.
  9. 19. What Japan made when they changed their constitution after WWII
  10. 20. Age when citizens can vote in South Korea
  1. 1. What the president of India mostly acts like
  2. 2. When the people in a country vote for the legislature group and the leader in separate elections.
  3. 4. Southern country in the Korean Peninsula
  4. 5. Phrase used when the people vote for the legislature group(leader is called prime minister)
  5. 7. age when citizens in India can vote
  6. 9. A government where the total power is held by one person
  7. 10. Northern country in the Korean peninsula
  8. 12. Country in SE Asia south of China and west of Laos and Cambodia
  9. 13. Country that went to war in Japan in 1941.
  10. 14. Leader of North Korea