Sea of Monsters Character Traits

  1. 2. Name of camp for demigods.
  2. 7. Bully at school, plays dodgeball against Tyson and Percy.
  3. 9. Protects camp from monsters. It has been poisoned.
  4. 11. Loyal, cold, brave, Percy's best friend, blonde, unsure of Tyson.
  5. 13. Wise, teacher, centaur, gets fired.
  6. 14. Traitor, determined, bitter, Percy's enemy.
  1. 1. Throw dodgeballs at Percy and Tyson. Try to kill Percy.
  2. 3. Messenger of the gods, god of thieves and travelers
  3. 4. Share one eye and one tooth, drivers of grey taxi.
  4. 5. Strong, daughter of Aries, heroic, bully, trains troops for battle.
  5. 6. Gold coins used as currency.
  6. 8. Mean, cold, cursed and cannot eat, bored, new camp director.
  7. 9. Cyclops, dim-witted, strong, immune to fire.
  8. 10. Brave, heroic, determined, Tyson's half brother, main character of story.
  9. 12. Loyal, Satyr, brave, Percy's best friend, in trouble somehow.