  1. 5. , most powerful city-states.
  2. 6. , two successful banking families who failed due the unpaid debts of a King in England.
  3. 8. , Challenged the power of the church
  4. 13. , On trade routes that linked western Europe and Asia.
  5. 16. , Did not repay the loan he finance his war against France.
  6. 17. , When Alfonso I conquered this country it became famous centre of arts and culture.
  7. 18. , They brought high quality untreated cloth(Wool).
  1. 1. , The wealthiest and most powerful city-states in Renaissance Italy.
  2. 2. , The making and trading of this clothmade Florence wealthy.
  3. 3. learning and creative people such as artists,composers,and writers.
  4. 4. , 1200's become wealthiest bankers and the most powerful family in Europe.
  5. 7. , the coin in France and become the standard currency used throughout Europe.
  6. 8. , The Italian name of " France".
  7. 9. , the Pope ruled Rome and other city-states called ___________________.
  8. 10. of this, they're able to enjoy life throughpaintings, music, books and beautiful buildings.
  9. 11. , Not just leaders of Roman Catholics but could be ruthless politicians.
  10. 12. , A city-state ruled by representatives chosen by the people.
  11. 14. , over threwn by Spanish genaral Cordova in 1945.
  12. 15. , Another industry that flourished in Europe.
  13. 19. DuchiesRepublics ,Noble rulers of small monarchies and city-states.