
  1. 1. Season The time when snow falls, covering the ground and creating winter scenery.
  2. 4. Season The period when plants and crops grow and thrive due to favorable conditions.
  3. 6. Season The period with less rainfall, sometimes causing drought and water shortages.
  4. 7. Season The time of year with more rain than usual, often promoting plant growth.
  5. 11. The season when leaves change color and fall from trees, also known for harvest time.
  6. 12. The season when flowers bloom, trees get new leaves, and the weather gets warmer.
  7. 13. Season A period with clear skies and abundant sunlight, often associated with warmth.
  8. 14. Season A season characterized by heavy rains, often followed by a dry period.
  1. 1. The warmest season of the year, often associated with vacations and outdoor activities.
  2. 2. The coldest season of the year, often with snow, ice, and shorter daylight hours.
  3. 3. Season A time when strong winds are common, sometimes causing storms and dust.
  4. 5. Season The coldest part of winter when temperatures drop significantly.
  5. 8. Season A transitional period when the weather shifts from one extreme to another.
  6. 9. Season The time when crops and fruits are gathered, often associated with abundance.
  7. 10. Season A time when flowers bloom, adding color and fragrance to the environment.