
  1. 4. A deposit of small ice crystals on a surface that is below freezing
  2. 5. A severe snowstorm with strong winds and reduced visibility
  3. 6. The warmest season of the year, typically with longer days and higher temperatures
  4. 8. The two times in the year (around March 20 and September 23) when day and night are of equal length
  5. 10. The season between winter and summer, characterized by budding plants and warmer temperatures
  6. 11. A storm with hail, pellets of frozen rain, falling from the sky
  7. 13. The coldest season of the year, often associated with snowfall and freezing temperatures
  1. 1. The season between summer and winter, marked by the shedding of leaves and cooler temperatures
  2. 2. The melting of ice, snow, or another frozen substance
  3. 3. The two times in the year (around June 21 and December 22) when the sun reaches its highest or lowest point in the sky at noon
  4. 5. A gentle wind, typically cool and refreshing
  5. 7. A prolonged period of abnormally low rainfall, leading to a shortage of water
  6. 9. The sky covered with clouds, often resulting in a lack of direct sunlight
  7. 12. Season A period characterized by frequent and heavy rainfall