
  1. 1. If it's ______ in the Northern Hemisphere, then it's summer in the Southern hemipshere.
  2. 3. First day of Fall
  3. 5. Object orbiting another object
  4. 10. First day of spring
  5. 12. If it's _______ in the Northern hemisphere then it's Fall in the Southern hemisphere.
  6. 13. Object spinning on its axis
  7. 14. 23.5 degrees
  8. 15. Australia is in the ______ hemisphere.
  9. 17. Imaginary line that runs through Earth
  1. 1. Shortest day of the year
  2. 2. ____ comes before Winter in the Southern Hemisphere.
  3. 4. Longest day of the year
  4. 6. The hemisphere where you live currently
  5. 7. 24 hours
  6. 8. 365 1/4 days
  7. 9. The next season in the Northern Hemisphere after spring is______.
  8. 11. When Dallas is facing away from the Sun it's_______.
  9. 16. Path an object revolves around another object