
  1. 2. The poles are always cold because the Sun hits at a ____ angle.
  2. 6. Incoming solar radiation is known as ____.
  3. 8. The entire planet has 12 hours of daylight on the spring and fall _____.
  4. 9. We have this season when the N. Hemisphere is tilted towards the Sun.
  5. 12. Where the Sun is directly overhead on both equinoxes.
  6. 13. The 21st of this month is often the first day of winter.
  7. 14. The 23rd of this month is often the first day of autumn.
  8. 15. During our summer, the Sun is overhead in this hemisphere.
  1. 1. On June 21st, the North Pole has 24 hours of ____
  2. 3. We have this season when the N. Hemisphere is tilted away from the Sun.
  3. 4. The 21st of this month is often the first day of summer.
  4. 5. The 21st of this month is often the first day of spring.
  5. 7. Temperatures are hotter when the Sun is ____ in the sky.
  6. 9. During our winter, the Sun is overhead in this hemisphere.
  7. 10. On December 21st, the North Pole has 24 hours of ____
  8. 11. The Sun is lowest in the sky in the ____