
  1. 1. time when flowers bloom and fill the surroundings with vibrant colors and sweet fragrances.
  2. 3. period when snowfall occurs, covering the ground and creating a picturesque winter landscape.
  3. 7. between summer and winter when the leaves change color and fall from the trees.
  4. 11. between winter and summer when plants begin to bloom and the weather becomes warmer.
  5. 12. time when many people take a break from work or school to relax, travel, and spend quality time with family and friends.
  6. 15. period of time when there is a significant increase in rainfall, often leading to lush greenery and water sources being replenished.
  1. 2. period of heavy rainfall that occurs in certain regions, often bringing relief from the heat and contributing to the growth of crops.
  2. 4. time when crops are ripe and ready to be gathered and collected for consumption or storage.
  3. 5. period when farmers sow seeds and begin cultivating crops for future harvest.
  4. 6. time when various celebrations, traditions, and festivities take place, bringing joy and togetherness.
  5. 8. time when certain animals travel long distances to find better feeding grounds or breeding sites.
  6. 9. time when people flock to the coast to enjoy the sun, sand, and water activities.
  7. 10. of the year, characterized by low temperatures, snow, and shorter daylight hours.
  8. 11. warmest season of the year, characterized by longer days, higher temperatures, and abundant sunshine.
  9. 13. period of time with minimal rainfall, often characterized by dry and arid conditions.
  10. 14. time when specific fish species are abundant and suitable for fishing, attracting anglers and enthusiasts.