
  1. 2. The process of flowers opening up and blooming, typically occurring during the spring season.
  2. 5. A weather condition during which the sky is covered with clouds, blocking the direct sunlight and creating a dimmer atmosphere.
  3. 10. The coldest season of the year, characterized by cold temperatures, snow, ice, and activities like skiing and building snowmen.
  4. 14. The season that follows summer, characterized by cooler temperatures, falling leaves, harvest time, and Halloween celebrations.
  5. 15. The warmest season of the year, characterized by longer days, sunshine, outdoor activities, and vacations.
  6. 16. The period of time during which it is light outside, typically longer during the spring and summer seasons.
  1. 1. A temperature sensation that is chilly and requires wearing warm clothing, often associated with the autumn and winter seasons.
  2. 3. A unique ice crystal that falls from the sky in the form of snow, often associated with the winter season.
  3. 4. A weather condition during which rain falls from the clouds, often accompanied by gray skies and the sound of raindrops.
  4. 6. The time of year when crops are gathered and collected, usually during the autumn/fall season.
  5. 7. The flat and usually green structures attached to the branches of trees and plants that fall off during the autumn/fall season.
  6. 8. A sensation of coldness that is slightly uncomfortable but not freezing, often associated with the autumn/fall and winter seasons.
  7. 9. The season that follows winter, characterized by blooming flowers, warmer temperatures, and the return of animals from hibernation.
  8. 11. A weather condition characterized by strong gusts of wind that can blow objects and create a rustling sound.
  9. 12. A temperature sensation that is pleasant and comfortable, often associated with the spring and summer seasons.
  10. 13. A weather condition during which the sun is shining brightly and there are no clouds in the sky.