
  1. 3. When the weather is cool and slightly cold. It may require wearing a light jacket or sweater.
  2. 4. The warmest season of the year. It brings longer days, sunny weather, and opportunities for outdoor activities.
  3. 10. When the weather is comfortable and enjoyable. It makes you feel content and at ease.
  4. 11. When there is a gentle and pleasant wind blowing. It creates a refreshing and peaceful atmosphere.
  5. 12. The coldest season of the year. It brings cold weather, snow, and the opportunity for winter sports.
  6. 14. When there is a lot of air moving and it creates a breeze. It can make you feel refreshed and energized.
  7. 15. When the air is filled with thick mist or low-lying clouds. It can create a mysterious and ethereal ambiance.
  8. 16. When the sun is shining brightly in the sky. It makes you feel warm and brings a cheerful atmosphere.
  1. 1. When the air is moist and there is a lot of moisture in the atmosphere. It can make you feel sticky and uncomfortable.
  2. 2. When the sky is covered with clouds, blocking out direct sunlight. It can make the day feel a bit gray and cool.
  3. 5. When there is precipitation in the form of raindrops falling from the sky. It can create a cozy and calming atmosphere.
  4. 6. The season between summer and winter. It is known for falling leaves, harvest time, and cooler temperatures.
  5. 7. The season between winter and summer. It is known for blooming flowers and mild temperatures.
  6. 8. When the weather is cold and frozen water falls from the sky in the form of snowflakes. It covers the ground in white.
  7. 9. When the weather is very chilly and you may need to wear warm clothes and bundle up. It can make you want to drink something warm.
  8. 13. When the weather is very warm and the sun is shining strongly. It makes you want to wear light clothes and stay hydrated.