
  1. 2. A coastal area connected to the sea, where many people gather during summer to enjoy water activities and various fun games.
  2. 4. Flowers Beautiful flowers that bloom in spring, such as cherry blossoms or azaleas, creating a vibrant and enchanting scenery.
  3. 6. The season between summer and winter, characterized by pleasant weather and beautiful fall foliage. It's a time to enjoy the colorful leaves.
  4. 7. A warm and bright season when new life begins, marked by blooming flowers and budding leaves, bringing joy to the surroundings.
  5. 8. Very chilly and cold weather, especially noticeable in winter. Dressing warmly and taking care of one's health are important during this season.
  1. 1. A cold season with short days, often accompanied by snowfall and featuring Christmas. Activities like snowball fights and making snowmen are enjoyable.
  2. 3. Extremely hot weather, especially noticeable in summer. Staying cool with refreshing drinks and water activities is recommended.
  3. 4. A hot season with long days, perfect for enjoying activities like swimming at the beach or pool, providing various fun experiences.
  4. 5. Foliage The phenomenon of tree leaves changing to red or other colors during autumn, creating a splendid and colorful landscape.
  5. 7. White snow that falls in winter, covering the ground and trees, creating a beautiful winter scenery. Snowball fights and snowmen building are common pastimes.