
  1. 1. Occurs twice a year, marking the longest and shortest days of the year.
  2. 7. The leaves of trees or plants, which often change color and fall off during autumn.
  3. 8. The state of the atmosphere, commonly described by temperature, humidity, and precipitation.
  4. 9. The season when flowers bloom and temperatures start to get warmer after a cold winter.
  5. 10. The process of gathering ripe crops during autumn, traditionally an important part of the agricultural cycle.
  6. 12. A period of rest for some animals during winter when they sleep through the coldest months.
  7. 13. When flowers open and display their colors, mostly occurring during spring.
  1. 2. Something that occurs, changes, or is available during a specific season.
  2. 3. The average weather conditions of a particular area, observed over long periods.
  3. 4. Occurs twice a year, when the day and night are of equal length.
  4. 5. The warmest season of the year with the longest days, often spent outdoors and on vacations.
  5. 6. The regular movement of animals or birds from one region to another based on seasonal changes.
  6. 7. A thin layer of ice that forms when the temperature drops below freezing, commonly seen during winter months.
  7. 8. The coldest season with the shortest days, often includes snow in many parts of the world.
  8. 11. A season marked by cooler temperatures and colorful changing leaves on trees.