Seasons and months

  1. 2. The first month of summer.
  2. 3. The month when school ends.
  3. 4. First month.
  4. 7. The cold season.
  5. 8. It comes before December.
  6. 10. The month of Christmas and gifts !
  7. 11. The shortest month of the year.
  8. 13. Flowers open and the trees are green.
  9. 14. The fifth month of the year.
  10. 15. The start of Spring.
  1. 1. The season before winter.
  2. 5. A month for fools...
  3. 6. A new year starts in school.
  4. 9. Get ready for Halloween...
  5. 12. The eighth month of the year.
  6. 13. The season when school ends.