Seatwork Endocrine System

  1. 2. Produces the hormones thyroxine
  2. 6. Too much thyroid hormone
  3. 9. The body regulates blood sugar levels by releasing this hormone
  4. 10. Caused by issues with insulin and the pancreas
  5. 13. Men produce this hormone in their testes
  6. 14. Hormones travel in this to reach tissues and organs
  1. 1. To prepare us for the “flight” and “fight” response
  2. 3. Constant adjustment of hormone levels so that the body can function normally
  3. 4. Endocrine system works very closely with this
  4. 5. A gland produces too much or too little of a hormone
  5. 6. These are natural chemicals and are your body's chemical messengers
  6. 7. This gland secretes several important hormones which stimulate other endocrine glands
  7. 8. Master switchboard because it’s the part of the brain that controls the endocrine system
  8. 11. Women produce this hormone in their ovaries
  9. 12. Responsible for regulating blood sugar levels