Secession and The Confederacy

  1. 2. South Carolina was the ___ state to secede.
  2. 4. _______ States of America (Secession states)
  3. 5. South Carolina's secession resulted in the start of the ___ ___ .
  4. 6. to leave, or break away
  5. 9. The first state to secede from The United States
  6. 11. President of the Confederacy
  7. 12. United States President at time of Southern Secession
  1. 1. Southern leader ______ Jackson
  2. 3. Southern Leaders wanted states to make their own laws. Northern leaders wanted a strong national government to make laws.
  3. 7. Jefferson Davis's home state
  4. 8. The Confederacy printed their own ___ .
  5. 10. Capital city of Confederacy