Section 3 Review

  1. 5. By 6600 B.C. artisans learned to make
  2. 6. classes developed
  3. 8. Some people became
  4. 9. Most______ worked in cities
  5. 12. Common workers and farmers were the_______
  6. 13. made by refining copper with tin
  7. 14. ships carried goods across seas and rivers
  8. 18. society made of cities, government, workers
  9. 19. different___came into contact with other people
  10. 20. harder than hunting and gathering
  1. 1. is having more than what is needed
  2. 2. larger____brought rapid population
  3. 3. Supplying land with water from another place
  4. 4. Traders took items to far away cities
  5. 7. The other class was made up of_______
  6. 10. amazing invention was the wheel and
  7. 11. Growing trade routes brought
  8. 15. Sharing things and ideas with others
  9. 16. Early cities were different from farming
  10. 17. The_____ was the most powerful