Section #4 Chapter 6 Carbohydrates

  1. 1. Fiber that dissolves and creates a gel
  2. 5. Food manufacturers decrease fat and increase _ flavor
  3. 7. Example of food with a good source of fiber
  4. 9. Example of a Polysaccharide
  5. 16. Disaccharides are _ sugar units
  6. 17. Produced by the pancreas
  7. 18. Carbs allow for muscle _ after activity
  8. 19. Cells convert excess glucose into
  9. 21. Cannot be digested by human enzymes
  10. 22. Inability to use or produce insulin efficiently
  11. 23. Type of carbohydrate
  12. 24. Diet low in carbs, resulting in the body being unable to break down fats
  1. 2. This sugar is found in milk
  2. 3. – Insulin triggers body cells to __ glucose
  3. 4. Cells use this for energy
  4. 6. Speed at which carbs are digested into glucose
  5. 8. Table sugar is an example of _
  6. 10. Low blood glucose level
  7. 11. Liver will convert excess glycogen into __.
  8. 12. Example of food with a good source of fiber
  9. 13. Type of carbohydrate
  10. 14. Monosaccharides are _ sugar units
  11. 15. The body can metabolize this many teaspoons of sugar in a day
  12. 18. After a person eats, glucose in her blood __.
  13. 20. Polysaccharides are _ sugar units
  14. 25. Example of food with a good source of fiber