Sectionalism Vocabulary

  1. 3. The placing of the interests of one’s own region ahead of the interests of the nation as whole
  2. 5. A series of agreements passed by Congress in 1820-21 to maintain the balance of power between slave states and free states
  3. 8. A series of Congressional measures intended to settle the major disagreements between free states and slave states
  4. 9. A conflict between the United States and Mexico in an attempt for the United States to complete Manifest Destiny.
  5. 10. 11th President of the United States; Expansionist
  6. 11. a radical abolitionist, and 22 followers, decide to raid a federal general in Harper's Ferry, Virginia and use the guns to start a massive slave rebellion
  7. 12. A system in which the residents vote to decide an issue
  1. 1. A law enacted in 1854, that established the territories of Kansas and Nebraska and gave their residents the right to decide whether to allow slavery
  2. 2. Election where slavery was the central issue, Abraham Lincoln (Republican) won over John Breckinridge (Democrat), and John Bell (Constitutional Union Party). Lincoln won 40% of popular vote, but won a large majority of electoral votes. Lincoln's victory leads the south to secede.
  3. 4. The U.S. Supreme Court stated that enslaved people were not citizens of the United States and, therefore, could not expect any protection from the federal government or the courts.
  4. 6. The 1848 treaty ending the US war with Mexico, in which Mexico ceded California and New Mexico to the United States.
  5. 7. The 19th Century belief that the United States would inevitably expand westward to the Pacific Ocean and into Mexican Territory.